Using borg commands

  • Directly from Spica, disable append-only mode on the repo you want to delete
    • (this might not be needed)
    • No need to prevent ssh connections as we will anyway delete the repo.
    • root@spica:~# borg config /home/borgy/repos/<server-name>/<repo-name> append_only 0
  • Issue the delete command from your local computer:
    • You need to have a Host spica setup in ~/.ssh/config for this to work
    • user@local:~$ cd /path/to/borg/repo/passphrase/folder
    • user@local:$ BORG_PASSPHRASE=$(cat skwotfarm-borg-passphrase) borg delete spica:/home/borgy/repos/<server>/<repo-name>

Manually delete repo

This has to be done directly from Spica, be very careful here or we could loose all backups.

  • From Spica, login as the borgy user
    • root@spica:~# su - borgy
  • Remove the folder containing the repo:
    • borgy@spica:~$ rm -rf repos/<machine-name>/<repo-name>
  • Maybe empty the cache at /home/borgy/.cache/borg (maybe it could break an ongoing backup? not sure)
  • Remove repo keys on a personal computer in .config/borg/keys