This page covers Ansible management.

Every commands have to be done from the root directory of your local copy of the git repository.


You will need ansible, ansible-lint, git, and our ansible git repo.

  • Get the repo:
    • $ git clone ssh://skwotcustom:./repos/ansible.git
      • A backup is available at
    • See SSH to configure your SSH client

Run the whole ansible playbook

$ ansible-playbook site.yml

Run without actually doing anything, just report what would have been done

$ ansible-playbook --check --diff site.yml

--check has to be the first argument to be taken into account.

You can omit --diff if there is always=yes in the [diff] section of ansible.cfg

Add a public key for machines to be backed-up or for admins to recover backups

In the git repo:

  • Add a file in roles/backup_server/files/ containing the pubkey
  • Add a block in roles/backup_server/vars/main.yml in the authorized_users category:
    • - host: <hostname of the client> key_file: <name of the file added before containing the pubkey>
  • Check your changes (ansible-playbook --check --diff, as shown above)
  • Apply changes
  • Commit and push the git repo

Encrypt single vars

$ ansible-vault encrypt_string

If the vault in the repo is configured to use OpenPGP, Ansible will ask for your OpenPGP passphrase, using your default pinentry program.

Then it will ask you in the terminal to enter the value of the variable you want to encrypt. Type it, press Enter, then ctrl+D, the encrypted value will be printed, such as:

!vault |

Use this whole bloc as value for any var definition.

Add keys able to open the vault

We use the vault function of ansible to encrypt secret vars. The vault function needs a passphrase. This passphrase has been randomly generated once, and we encrypt it using GnuPG, so one must encrypt the vault using all s!n members' keys.

Replace all KEYID* with actual key ids $ gpg --batch --quiet --decrypt vault/vault-passphrase | \ gpg --batch --quiet --armor --encrypt -r KEYID1 -r KEYID2 [ -r KEYID3 …] > vault/vault-passphrase

Afterwards, please make sure the new vault-passphrase file is encrypted with everyone's key! (you can use gpg --list-packets to do so)