Replace $mysite
by the subdomain of the site you want to remove and $user
by the associated username
- You may want to archive the website first
- Edit the DNS:
- Don't delete the DNS if the website has been archived
- Delete the records associated with the domain (don't forget www.)
- Don't delete the DNS if the website has been archived
- Database stuff:
- `# mysql
> DROP DATABASE $dbname;
> DROP USER '$user'@'localhost';
- Letsencrypt:
# vim /etc/dehydrated/domains.txt
- → remove the occurences of
- Apache config:
# vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wordpress.conf
→ Remove the line that matches$
# vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/redirects.conf
→ Remove the line(s) that match$
# systemctl reload apache2
- Remove symlink and folders:
# rm -i /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/$mysite
# rm -rf /var/www/$
# rm /etc/wordpress/config-$
- Delete the user associated with the website:
- First check if there are still files owned by the user:
find / -user $user 2>/dev/null
- If there are results, fix it or talk about with other members
- Remove the user and its home directory:
# deluser --remove-home $user
- First check if there are still files owned by the user:
- Add a line in /root/Changelog