Create a database and a user:

  • # mysql
  • > CREATE DATABASE $dbname;
  • > grant all on $dbname.* to '$dbname'@'localhost' identified by '<RANDOM_PASS>';
  • > QUIT;

Delete a database:

  • # mysql
  • > DROP DATABASE '$dbname';

Delete a user:

  • # mysql
  • > SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user'@'localhost'; or > SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user'@'';
    • Will show which grants a user have (should have one per DB and one USAGE)
  • > REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON$dbname.* FROM '$user'@'localhost';
    • You should use REVOKE for every single GRANT listed before, except USAGE.
  • > DROP USER '$user'@'localhost';

Change a user's password:

  • # mysql
  • > SET PASSWORD FOR '$user'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('NeWpA$$w0rd');

Turn MyISAM into InnoDB tables

  • List non InnoDB tables (includes MEMORY, CSV, PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA and probably other engines):
    • # for i in $(echo "SHOW DATABASES;" | mysql); do echo "$i" ; echo 'SHOW TABLE STATUS where `engine`<>"InnoDB";' | mysql $i | cut -f 1,2 ; echo ; done |less
  • Convert chosen tables
    • (TODO: write this doc)