- On Archon:
root@archon:~# su - squatnet
squatnet@archon:~$ httrack <URL> -v -s0 -O /tmp/
- Replace
with the website to be archived (don't forget https://)
- →
tells httrack to ignore robots tags and robots.txt
- Other folks have used these as well:
httrack https://$SITE --disable-security-limits --max-rate=0 -iC2 -O /opt/httrack/$NOM_SITE -s0 -%v -%! -A0 -* +$SITE/ +mime:/ -F "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" -%c100
wget --cache=off --cookies=on --glob=on --tries=5 --proxy=on -r -p - --follow-ftp -k --quota=500m --convert-links --no-host-directories - --adjust-extension URL
squatnet@archon:~$ mv /tmp/<fqdn> /var/www/squat.net/
- Check that the archived version works as you want: https://vault.squat.net/<fqdn>
root@archon:~# vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/squat.conf
- → Add a line like
Use squatSite <fqdn> <altnames>
at the correct
place (alphabeticaly sorted)
squatnet@archon:~$ ./gen-index.sh
root@archon:~# systemctl reload apache2
- Make the DNS records for the domain (and its www.) CNAME to
- Don't forget the trailing dot
- Ask groente or <adminⒶpuscii.nl> to have their reverse proxy make the
domain(s) point to archon
- When done, remove the website from Skwotfarm or